Learn how Native Americans view the land around us, and how they have cared for that land. Dressed in native regalia, Ojibwa author and speaker Kim Sigafus will bring the audience into the world of the native people and their relationship with the land. Sacred burning and planting and harvesting only what’s needed will be among the discussion topics.
This will be a hybrid program. Kim Sigafus will be presenting in-person at the Galena Public Library. Those wishing to attend virtually may do so via Zoom by register here:
https://bit.ly/ournativeland. This program is sponsored by a partnership between the Galena Public Library and the Galena Green Team.
An award-winning Ojibwa author and speaker, Kim writes native fiction and non-fiction. Her body of work includes The Mida series, about a mystically-powerful time-traveling carnival, and a YA series on bullying. Her non-fiction work includes Native Elders, and the award-winning, Native Writers. She is also an Illinois Humanities Road Scholar speaker, and travels the Midwest speaking on her culture. Kim also owns an online Native American gift store, Quiet Souls.