You’re invited to be at peace with yourself and ease out of life’s stresses. Participants sit comfortably, close their eyes, wrap in a blanket or shawl, and fully engage in listening/feeling to enter a deeply meditative space.
Harmonic sound waves from specifically-tuned instruments entrain brainwave frequencies inducing a deep meditative and peaceful state. Recipients emerge from the sound experience feeling a sense of calm, peace, balance, and rejuvenation often followed by a boost in creativity and focus.
A restorative sound bath works your brain and energy pathways in ways you wouldn’t even begin to imagine! Sound plays an enormous role in our everyday lives – and our creative processes.
Theresa (she/her) facilitates one-to-one sound sessions as well as group sound bath using ambient sounds and vibrations from chakra-tuned crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, handpan, chimes, tuning forks, wind-gong, cedar flute, and various drums.